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Old 01-02-2019, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by tombanjo View Post
If you spent as much time standing up for yourself at the scene of the "crime" as you did writing this then maybe you would have won and set a good example for your son.

On an unfamiliar boat you:

1. Ask the mate to switch the fish

2. Check the other fish for foreign objects

3. Check the scale

If the mate resists any of this, scream bloody murder to the captain and threaten you'll go public with it.
In the heat of the moment these things might not have been so clear to Bob. I do not think it's fair to say the he set a bad example to his son which neither your or I know. Your point is valid but the delivery is a little harsh.

"Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths"
Old 01-02-2019, 05:48 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by tombanjo View Post
If you spent as much time standing up for yourself at the scene of the "crime" as you did writing this then maybe you would have won and set a good example for your son.

On an unfamiliar boat you:

1. Ask the mate to switch the fish

2. Check the other fish for foreign objects

3. Check the scale

If the mate resists any of this, scream bloody murder to the captain and threaten you'll go public with it.
As I said, at that instant, i didn't think much about a "crime"...
More confused until an hour or so later when I started to think more about it.

Secondly, the boat was not really "unfamiliar" to me.. I go out out on it once or twice a year, for the past several years.. always liked the main captain, seemed like a decent guy. However, the mate was one in a procession- like many boats, they never seem to be there all the time over several years.

I would be hesitant to ask for weights in a fish etc, its just not really how i am wired, and checking personally is a good way to get a fist in the face.
Checking the scale?.. how exactly?... Its not my property, and I am pretty sure most captains would not want a guy they don't know handling it...

As i said, past several years, I have seen a LOT more good fishermen, lots of old timers like me included, refuse to enter the pool.. Might be a pattern here that I should be aware of..
Most people are more aggressive to defend themselves in matters such as this than I am, and might well be more cynical and less trusting. I am typically quieter than most in situations like this, trusting those that are running the business to do the correct thing.. thats my weakness for certain, I can offer no real defense, except to say that next time , IF I enter a pool, I will ask at least that the mate level the scale with both fish, and possibly reverse them... bob
Old 01-02-2019, 05:55 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by PeteyHD View Post
In the heat of the moment these things might not have been so clear to Bob. I do not think it's fair to say the he set a bad example to his son which neither your or I know. Your point is valid but the delivery is a little harsh.
first of all my son is 34 and has 2 children.. By this time, he should be setting examples for me..lol..
Indeed, at the moment, I just shook my head and thought, wow i though for SURE we won the pool, but I guess I was just wrong.. It took a while and some discussion with my son, putting both our observations together before we agreed.. Yes, we got hosed by a creepy mate, and his buddy whose bucket he went rifling through.
My mistake, but it won't happen again, no matter how pissed of anyone gets..

Why a mate would feel the need to do this to paying customers that trust him , I simply don't understand... bob
Old 01-02-2019, 07:43 PM
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Sorry but I find this post to be a little absurd. Posting about this months after the fact is very peculiar. This would’ve been easily cleared up if you spoke up and had the scales rebalanced right there. Switch sides too and rebalance it. What if the other fish was bigger? Nothing personal against you, I never met you, but I’ve heard plenty of times on party boats people say “my fish is bigger” when it clearly wasn’t. Or somebody catches a 21 inch fluke and they call it 6 lbs. Or an 8 lb tog is caught and somebody calls it 10. You get my point. Just because you say your fish was bigger, doesn’t mean it actually was. To post months afterwards is very fishy.

Again, nothing personal to you Bob.. I’ve just seen it too many times on party boats. Even friends of mine who fish often will insist their fish is bigger. Even when it’s not, and even after weigh in. Personal bias goes a long way..
Old 01-02-2019, 08:19 PM
Meat Hunter Meat Hunter is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

I don't get in any pools anymore. At all. Had a mate skim the pool I won last year. The boat was FULL!!!!!! Got me for around 85 to 100 dollars. Never again.

Meat hunter......
Old 01-02-2019, 09:53 PM
june181901 june181901 is offline
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Question Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Meat Hunter and others: Perhaps all of the sponsor boat captains who see this can make a decision that once fares are collected they can announce the amount of money in the pool. That would stop 'skimming' aka stealing!
Old 01-02-2019, 09:54 PM
Krablips Krablips is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Stop bashing the NJ Party boat industry on your multiple assumptions. Support your right to fish and especially those folks who service us fishermen. Where would NJ fishermen be without the party boat?
Old 01-02-2019, 10:33 PM
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by Krablips View Post
Stop bashing the NJ Party boat industry on your multiple assumptions. Support your right to fish and especially those folks who service us fishermen. Where would NJ fishermen be without the party boat?
Where would the party boat or any business be without its customers? More importantly confident satisfied customers who will return and continue to support them?

"Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths"
Old 01-02-2019, 11:16 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by Fisherman120 View Post
Sorry but I find this post to be a little absurd. Posting about this months after the fact is very peculiar. This would’ve been easily cleared up if you spoke up and had the scales rebalanced right there. Switch sides too and rebalance it. What if the other fish was bigger? Nothing personal against you, I never met you, but I’ve heard plenty of times on party boats people say “my fish is bigger” when it clearly wasn’t. Or somebody catches a 21 inch fluke and they call it 6 lbs. Or an 8 lb tog is caught and somebody calls it 10. You get my point. Just because you say your fish was bigger, doesn’t mean it actually was. To post months afterwards is very fishy.

Again, nothing personal to you Bob.. I’ve just seen it too many times on party boats. Even friends of mine who fish often will insist their fish is bigger. Even when it’s not, and even after weigh in. Personal bias goes a long way..
No offense taken.. first off, i am 64 and have been fishing fresh and salt water since I was a little kid, and much of that time in salt water as I lived in NJ for 37 years.. I fish a lot, and can spot a bigger fish from a smaller one believe me.. The reason I mention the colors and body shapes of sea bass, is because most that fish for them know those deep colored blue black knot heads are a heavier bodied fish than the slender brownish ones...
both fish were the same length, mine had mch bigger shoulders and a deeper body.. I should have made a stink right then and there, but i just walked away at the time, and stewed about it later the more I thought about it...

the reason I am posting about it now, is very easy to understand.
Its January, its mid week, not much real time fishing to talk about, and I like good conversation on recreational fishing topics of all types, and this is one that the knowledgeable and savvy fishermen on NJF might have interest in, or opinions on, and I felt it was a reasonable topic to discuss.
I am not sour grapes, or angry, just wanted opinions and possible similar experiences... I typically trusted the pool weigh in procedure, but never will again in my lifetime... I just don't think a mate has any business rifling through a bucket to find the biggest fish in it with another angler standing there watching.. That fish should have been handed to the mate if its captor was in the pool.. Its my fault I didn't think about it at the time, but i am typically not a suspicious type. It took an hour or so of thinking and discussion before I fully realized what transpired, and realized i had been taken.

No big deal, the guy got his money, and that 70 or 80 bucks would not have made me rich in any case. The boat in question has lost a customer, albeit a once or twice a year customer. Also I realize now that even though I am an outsider, its not out of place to tell the mate to kindly center the scale, or put the fish on opposite sides of the scale in a pool weigh in situation. Thats why I like to discuss these issues on this forum from time to time, to learn and get ideas and opinions.. This forum section is NOT a 100% "reports' forum as many think.. Its a salt water fishing discussion forum and that encompasses many topics... bob

Last edited by bulletbob; 01-02-2019 at 11:21 PM..
Old 01-02-2019, 11:20 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Party Boat pool "irregularity"?

Originally Posted by Krablips View Post
Stop bashing the NJ Party boat industry on your multiple assumptions. Support your right to fish and especially those folks who service us fishermen. Where would NJ fishermen be without the party boat?
I respect the captains and mates.. probably too much. Thats the main reason I didn't open my mouth at the time. It looked bogus even at first glance, but I kept my place.
Respect goes both ways.. I had a lot of respect for the captain, thats why I fished with him each year.. his mates?.. not so much.. Also I did not write assumptions, I wrote observations.... bob
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