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Old 12-31-2018, 08:23 AM
Gerry Zagorski's Avatar
Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Well another NJF trip in the books... Fishing was great but cathching was a little slow... I think we probably had 25 keepers and lots of shorts. Don’t think anyone had their limit with the exception of Sportfishing USA and JMurr but that was on Michelob Ultras.

Weather was amazing, ball busting was epic and the crew of the Osprey were friendly, energetic and enthusiastic. They made 6 or 7 drops in some difficult anchoring conditions with a few wiggles here and there, we left the dock early and got back late..

FinS Bob, AKA the Polish Prince or The Keansburg Cutter, which LAB used to call him to piss him off, took the pool with a fish on the frirst drop that was 7 pounds and change. Sounds like he also won the Chili Eating contest too but paid the price on the way home.

Great seeing everyone and thanks for coming out. A fun time with a bunch of great guys!!
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Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
Proud Supporter of Heroes on the Water
28 Carolina Classic
Sandy Hook Area

Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 12-31-2018 at 11:57 AM..
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Old 12-31-2018, 08:41 AM
Taxman Taxman is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Like other things I do once a year, I had a good time, others were disappointed in my performance
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Old 12-31-2018, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

complete hackjob by yours truly & the boys. I lost what felt like the biggest tog I ever had hooked, thing would of dragged every 10+ I ever caught backwards. I am truly a has been but could be worse Joe Z is the new me. We def orl on beers. Capt Johnathan worked his cute little butt off for us. I hit a lot of foul balls & than finally connected on a home run ball only for it to go wide of foul pole. Thank you to ALSmako for building that life for me only to have me lose Moe & kill the bite on the piece. Happy to see Bobby Fin-s win a true og PUOSU guy I look forward to fishing with him again in 2031. Freshwater guys held their own & Taxman finally got a keeper. Most importantly #fchinni
Joey Murray



Put Up or Shut Up IX Prelims winner

If you don't like fish thats "fishy" eat chicken.

"theres a million fine looking women in the world dude,but they dont all buy you st. croixs for your birthday,most of them just yell at ya for fishing to much."

"Murray's Law: The uglier a fish is, the better it tastes." - Lard Almighty

LAB,always in our hearts & ears
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Old 12-31-2018, 11:59 AM
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Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Originally Posted by Taxman View Post
Like other things I do once a year, I had a good time, others were disappointed in my performance
One huge difference Tax, this performance lasted nearly 9 hours instead of 3 minutes

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
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Old 12-31-2018, 12:55 PM
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Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

And least we not forget, the things we learned today....

- Not sure which but FinS is apparently allergic to cold beer, Chili or a pool fish.
- If you're ever wondering what is dripping on your head, just look up to see the weasels fishing from the top deck wherever the last fish was caught.
- Kurtis, the Silent Assassin, actually has an entire vocabulary
- Joey Dah Fish's prized bait don't work any better then boat bait.
- Dfish can actually function normally on 2 hours sleep
- Jar Heads heated seats are the bomb after standing out in the cold all day
- After a few IPAs SportfishUSA and JMurr will talk about or hit on just about anything. It got so bad we actually had to lock the poor dog in the cabin.
- Taxman actually can catch a blackfish, albeit one every 10 years or so
- Chinni is actually Italian for best dressed
- Amanda must have worked at Sea World before, you should have seen her feeding the 2 trained Seals
- Everyone thinks he's deaf, but The Directa actually wears cotton in his ears when fishing with JMurr..
- Fast Eddie is fast alright and loves fresh fish... You should have seen him work Dfish for a few fillets.
- Chrisper and SeaHawk know how to cut it close...
- All the best fancy tackle and knot tying classes can't buy Dales a fish
- Two Guys Pole is a much improved fishermen and apparently loves assoted cheeses.
- Dales new cooler with a pad lock and skull and cross bones actually works
- Alfonzo Gonzales is actually Alfonso Gonzales, not Allen Gonzales
- Hammer4reel has mellowed and really has teeth... Believe it or not, I actually saw them when he actually smiled once, only once....
- TDaly make some ass kicking chili and I mean that literally
- HDMarc. most time serious is actually a funny guy.... He had the line of the day as he was walking off the boat he said to the crew.. "Thanks for hosting our Special Olympics"
- Chrispers buddy John although struggles to log in here can catch fish... One out of 2 ain't bad.
- Rocky is an antagonist at heart but a very stealthy when it comes to fishing
- Scoward either has a sports gambling issue, a fishing issue or missed his calling working for ESPN. maybe all 3.
- Never run a trip during Flu season
- Time out on the water with a great group of people who don't take themselves too seriously or don't offend too easily is the absolute perfect cure for whatever ails you...

Lastly I just loved seeing some oldies but goodies come out, meeting some new guys who will continue to add character to our group and traditions.... But most of all, our friendships! You guys are the absolute best!!

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
Proud Supporter of Heroes on the Water
28 Carolina Classic
Sandy Hook Area

Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 12-31-2018 at 01:05 PM..
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Old 12-31-2018, 01:20 PM
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fin_s_guy fin_s_guy is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Wish I would have heard that “Special Olympics” comment. Truth!!

Been a while since I’ve showed this aging mug on a trip, but it was like I never left. Good people sharing the same passion for standing there like a jerk waiting for another jerk on the other end. Epic ball busting filled in the voids of catching and there is no way anyone else on that boat had more fun than Vin and Murray. You two could liven up a wake and for future reference, I’m telling the wife to invite you both to mine. Will make sure there is beer!! Cold too!!!

Figured when I got the 7# as the first fish on the boat we were in for some big fish...but the wind let up and we lost anchoring conditions...and it just got tough to get em going. That’s Tog fishing, but it’s the unknown that brings us back again and again.

Happy New Years boys and thanks for setting it up Gerry. Enjoying salad and jello today trying to extinguish the gut. Oooofa!!

Save the drama for the wash women....I'm here to fish!!! <0)XXX<
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Old 12-31-2018, 02:48 PM
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Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Originally Posted by fin_s_guy View Post
Wish I would have heard that “Special Olympics” comment. Truth!!

Been a while since I’ve showed this aging mug on a trip, but it was like I never left. Good people sharing the same passion for standing there like a jerk waiting for another jerk on the other end. Epic ball busting filled in the voids of catching and there is no way anyone else on that boat had more fun than Vin and Murray. You two could liven up a wake and for future reference, I’m telling the wife to invite you both to mine. Will make sure there is beer!! Cold too!!!

Figured when I got the 7# as the first fish on the boat we were in for some big fish...but the wind let up and we lost anchoring conditions...and it just got tough to get em going. That’s Tog fishing, but it’s the unknown that brings us back again and again.

Happy New Years boys and thanks for setting it up Gerry. Enjoying salad and jello today trying to extinguish the gut. Oooofa!!

My pleasure Bob... Just thinking how this funeral thing would go down...
- JMurr and Sport show up 2 hours before and start tail gating in the funeral parking lot
- People wondering who are these 2 people?
- People in the funeral home talking about these 2 people
- Soon after people out drinking beers and shots with these 2 people during the funeral
- A crowd forms after funeral and persists for 2 hours
- All those people who were wondering who are these 2 people are invite them to their funeral
- The tradition carries on.

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
Proud Supporter of Heroes on the Water
28 Carolina Classic
Sandy Hook Area
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Old 12-31-2018, 03:26 PM
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fin_s_guy fin_s_guy is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
My pleasure Bob... Just thinking how this funeral thing would go down...
- JMurr and Sport show up 2 hours before and start tail gating in the funeral parking lot
- People wondering who are these 2 people?
- People in the funeral home talking about these 2 people
- Soon after people out drinking beers and shots with these 2 people during the funeral
- A crowd forms after funeral and persists for 2 hours
- All those people who were wondering who are these 2 people are invite them to their funeral
- The tradition carries on.
Exactly! 👍🏻
Save the drama for the wash women....I'm here to fish!!! <0)XXX<
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Old 12-31-2018, 03:52 PM
Taxman Taxman is offline
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
And least we not forget, the things we learned today....

- Not sure which but FinS is apparently allergic to cold beer, Chili or a pool fish.
- If you're ever wondering what is dripping on your head, just look up to see the weasels fishing from the top deck wherever the last fish was caught.
- Kurtis, the Silent Assassin, actually has an entire vocabulary
- Joey Dah Fish's prized bait don't work any better then boat bait.
- Dfish can actually function normally on 2 hours sleep
- Jar Heads heated seats are the bomb after standing out in the cold all day
- After a few IPAs SportfishUSA and JMurr will talk about or hit on just about anything. It got so bad we actually had to lock the poor dog in the cabin.
- Taxman actually can catch a blackfish, albeit one every 10 years or so
- Chinni is actually Italian for best dressed
- Amanda must have worked at Sea World before, you should have seen her feeding the 2 trained Seals
- Everyone thinks he's deaf, but The Directa actually wears cotton in his ears when fishing with JMurr..
- Fast Eddie is fast alright and loves fresh fish... You should have seen him work Dfish for a few fillets.
- Chrisper and SeaHawk know how to cut it close...
- All the best fancy tackle and knot tying classes can't buy Dales a fish
- Two Guys Pole is a much improved fishermen and apparently loves assoted cheeses.
- Dales new cooler with a pad lock and skull and cross bones actually works
- Alfonzo Gonzales is actually Alfonso Gonzales, not Allen Gonzales
- Hammer4reel has mellowed and really has teeth... Believe it or not, I actually saw them when he actually smiled once, only once....
- TDaly make some ass kicking chili and I mean that literally
- HDMarc. most time serious is actually a funny guy.... He had the line of the day as he was walking off the boat he said to the crew.. "Thanks for hosting our Special Olympics"
- Chrispers buddy John although struggles to log in here can catch fish... One out of 2 ain't bad.
- Rocky is an antagonist at heart but a very stealthy when it comes to fishing
- Scoward either has a sports gambling issue, a fishing issue or missed his calling working for ESPN. maybe all 3.
- Never run a trip during Flu season
- Time out on the water with a great group of people who don't take themselves too seriously or don't offend too easily is the absolute perfect cure for whatever ails you...

Lastly I just loved seeing some oldies but goodies come out, meeting some new guys who will continue to add character to our group and traditions.... But most of all, our friendships! You guys are the absolute best!!
Once again we found out:
1 brother can fish and the other has a website where you can post about it
The dog on the boat is actually the good looking brother
Mom called and said neither one is the favorite, the paperboy always treated her better.
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Old 12-31-2018, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: NJFishing.com Togathon 12/30 !!

Great trip Gerry, thanks again for putting it together, you're a class act Sir! Glad to have another good boat to add to my list of favorites, the Captain and crew were awesome and definitely have a great sense of humor
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