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Greenwood Lake Petitions /Reasons for Signing - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 04-30-2021, 07:52 AM
muskynut muskynut is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 371
Default Greenwood Lake Petitions /Reasons for Signing

Received a few comments from supporters......please read:

"NJ is slowly but gradually denying public access rights to every public resource involving both fresh and salt water resources. I have no problem with homeowners requesting exclusivity when their funds are involved with maintenance, improvements, and general upkeep. But when state money is being used from bonds, fishing license fees, general fund, etc. private homeowners and or businesses have no right restricting access to a public resource. Safety, compliance, police efforts, stocking programs, environmental issues, etc. all require the use of our tax dollars to maintain these waterways. No one including the residents and business owners of Greenwood Lake have the right to accept public funds to preserve the lake yet simultaneously deny access. You buy a house, the street in front doesn't come with it. You buy a house on a public lake maintained by public funds, the lake doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the residents of the state. For people who abuse that right, fine the crap out of them but don't penalize the people and families who do it right in the process. Other states have no problems with that concept, why should the great state of NJ be any different. Allow Greenwood to set this dangerous and unjust trend and every major body of water in the state will follow suit".

"I am an avid fisherman and conservationist and have been fishing Greenwood Lake for over 20 years. The launch ramps that are run by boat marinas have been privatizing the lake and harassing the fishermen with super expensive launch fees and nasty comments. A public launch ramp would be a nice addition to the lake so families and tournament people can afford to fish the beautiful lake."

Just a few reasons....that have been coming in. Thank you for your SUPPORT. GREENWOOD LAKE TODAY....YOUR LAKE TOMORROW! PLEASE STAY VIGILANT.


Last edited by muskynut; 04-30-2021 at 11:43 AM..
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