I cant come here without hooking one!
Met with RiverRat77 and I got first dibs on a VERY aggressive rainbow. Jigging across a spot that seemed to be one of the lesser holes in the stretch of the river- didnt expect much. Rainbow about 7 feet away smacks the pink + chart tube. Gosh I love it when you can see the fish hit it.
Better holes that produced in the past seemed quiet. Im working up more while RiverRat is stuck focusing on this log jam/hole, where I already tried with my jig. 30 or more minutes go by and he finally hooks into a jumpy one that he loses. Soon he lands 3 more.
4 fish in a few hours. Not bad.
RiverRat's net tends to droop down a lot, so while unloading back at the car, he empties all the leave litter that got picked up whille walking back. I noticed a shiner on the ground and mention "hey you dropped a shiner out of your vest" ... wait he wasnt carrying shinners though! We investigate the lil fish and it starts to move!
I end up taking it back to the river. Most likely a creek chub because it had a purple shine on the top of its back.
So make that 5 fish in total