Re: Beware ! Police ticket trap in hackettstown, nj !
Its called avoiding the area altogether. EVERYBODY who knows that town knows how bad the traffic is at certain times of day. You can sit there for 5 minutes trying to make a cross-traffic turn into McD's or sit at the Hess/46 light thru 2,3,4 light changes. Its okay at certain times- like before 8am weekends - but most times its a pita. I've lived in the area since 1979 so I've seen the best and worst of it. In all honesty I avoid the entire area unless I need to go there. I take 519 or 31 to the west or 80/206/24 to the east or get off 46 before hitting town. There are also numerous side roads that I've learned to use as well.
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.