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Old 09-18-2014, 11:36 AM
Mikey topaz Mikey topaz is offline
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Lol! Id have to say about 06' i witnessed braid up at the river for the first time and ever since then , evrey year it seems you see morr and more of it it seems. Myself id have to say it one of the worst things up there besides the 40lb mono and kerplunkk canyon ball weights lol! If you stand back and watch the guys fishing 40#mono and braid compared to the guys fishing. Light mono fluro u will understand why theres no need for it. Light line low and a slow drift remembering to keep your tip up and drift like you woukd for trout back home youl get em guys!!
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Old 09-18-2014, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Originally Posted by gwl2oneida View Post
Is someone actually asking about snagging? Am I reading this correctly?
lol right?
get reel
Old 09-18-2014, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Spent 12 solid years starting in '87. Early, mid, late and spring seasons. The last time out,(2 seasons back, late oct) I used my steelie rod (4-10lb) with 10lb power pro and 6lb flouro leader. Landed 2 salmon over 20lb, a 16lb steelie along with multiple bows and browns. Braid isn't a concern unless you're spooled up with 50lb trying to horse the fish in. If you're going light tackle, you need room to fish and also chase the fish (usually running over rocks, down river) If you want to stand shoulder to shoulder, be ready for some a-hole to cut you if you F**k around. Ps: don't get too worked up, the A-hole next to you is probably gonna post something about you on this board. BLOME BTW: If Pulaski and Oswego are the only places that you know, then you shouldn't call yourself a fisherman. Every trib that flows will get fish, at the right time.
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Last edited by DRiverRat; 09-18-2014 at 05:07 PM..
Old 09-18-2014, 05:48 PM
zhitoman zhitoman is offline
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

6 lb braid is great for that kind of fishing.
Old 09-18-2014, 07:28 PM
Dave B. Dave B. is offline
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Jrock and anyone else who cares to chime in, if you're using a heavy test braid (i.e. 6lb diameter 20lb test, or higher) and you run a foul hooked or otherwise fish past me and cut my boots, legs, etc I certainly will cut your line, and if that inspires you to attempt a physical confrontation good luck to you.
It's not about having an issue with anyone's choice of tackle in itself, it's about having some consideration for your fellow anglers safety. Braid is dangerous in the conditions that exist on the SR and other tribs during the salmon run, period, besides being completely un-neccessary to successful fishing. Then too the amount of broken off and/or discarded line left in the river is a tripping/wading hazard as it is, with braid it's much harder to see than mono, and due to its thinner diameter at higher strength easier to cut into one's boots when entangled.
Use whatever line/tackle you're comfortable with, but if you choose braid be prepared to have some potential situation arise on the water.
Old 09-18-2014, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Originally Posted by jrock View Post
Hey liveitup thats what im saying if anyone cuts my line cause it doesnt match their personal preference tackle wise its gonna be a problem. Now I hate braid for any application let alone salmon river I guess im just old school but if its legal and you just dont like it too bad. All im sayin is if you mess with someone els's tackle when its perfectly legal and your floating downstream 2 minutes later I cant say I feel bad for you. That being said the lighter you go the more action your gonna get in my experience. I have landed plenty of fish on 8 lb. mono. Keep in mind the salmon that come up during the run are not spawning!!! There is very little natural reproduction going on, the fishery is sustained through hatchery reared eggs of which there is plenty of fish for supply. If those fish aren't caught and eatin they just wind up on the bottom of the river. It shouldnt be compared to catching a wild brown or brookie in one of our small northern nj streams. Just follow the regs. and report any violations but I dont rercommend going up there with thin skin. For example refer to video of the woman who owns the shop by the town pool who took offense to someones fishing tactics. Yes she almost wound up floating downstream lol.....

First if you read reports and studies which have been confirmed on the Salmon River, natural reproduction of salmon in the Salmon River is NOT an insignificant number. If you've ever traveled to the UFZ in late October / early November you'll know what I mean. There are salmon redds all over the place and there have been recent reports which documented as much as 25% - 35% of returning salmon to the Salmon River are from natural reproduction and not hatchery reared fish. The Salmon River is the leading tributary coming off Lake Ontario for natural reproduction as well.

That being said, I'm not sure why anyone would use braid for that fishery. If you combine it with center pin fishing, in my opinion you're asking for trouble. If you had a pool virtually to yourself, maybe there's a reason but to fish braid and a center pin with the masses of people fishing the salmon river during the salmon run is suicide. You'll cut everyone else's line if crossed aside from the safety hazard as mentioned if you hook up a 20 lb fish that decides to race downstream and hit someone's waders or anything else for that matter. If god forbid someone gets tangled and you will, and while holding the braid a salmon gets snagged and your finger gets caught in the braid you WILL lose a finger. If it becomes a safety issue or breaks off a big steel head or brown because you insist on fishing a line that is detrimental to everyone else around you then yes I'd cut your line in a heart beat without giving it a second thought. That's after I asked you to stop using it but if you insisted on using it to the detriment of everyone else fishing that pool then all bets are off and I'd cut it in a blink. If you want to fish it and it has no impact on me, go for it but with a center pin you had better be in a part of the river that has a lot of space and limited crowds which is virtually impossible during the salmon run.

Just for what it's worth, this thread is exactly why I won't fish the SR until the leaves drop and you start getting ice on your guides. Hopefully this coincides with 1,200 cfs so the polarized glass fisherman can't target the trophy steel head and browns that enter the river every year and pull them side ways out of the river.

Old 09-18-2014, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Originally Posted by Dave B. View Post
Jrock and anyone else who cares to chime in, if you're using a heavy test braid (i.e. 6lb diameter 20lb test, or higher) and you run a foul hooked or otherwise fish past me and cut my boots, legs, etc I certainly will cut your line, and if that inspires you to attempt a physical confrontation good luck to you.
It's not about having an issue with anyone's choice of tackle in itself, it's about having some consideration for your fellow anglers safety. Braid is dangerous in the conditions that exist on the SR and other tribs during the salmon run, period, besides being completely un-neccessary to successful fishing. Then too the amount of broken off and/or discarded line left in the river is a tripping/wading hazard as it is, with braid it's much harder to see than mono, and due to its thinner diameter at higher strength easier to cut into one's boots when entangled.
Use whatever line/tackle you're comfortable with, but if you choose braid be prepared to have some potential situation arise on the water.
Dave B,

Very well said and couldn't agree with you more. For someone to even ask that means they don't understand the fishery.

Old 09-18-2014, 08:41 PM
jrock jrock is offline
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Hey dave b. Someone decided to respond to a post made on a fishing forum who woulda expected that...... I got news for you if a salmon runs by you with 8, 10, 12 pound mono. Its gonna cut your boots also. My point is its LEGAL so if your soo afraid of property damage or possible bodily harm you should stay home, to expect everyone else to comply by your personal preference because of your OPPINION on what's the correct way to fish is absurd. Now when and if it becomes law you would have a valid reason to complain. As soon as someone sends you down stream you would probably be the type to wanna call the cops and have that person arrested and cry foul lol, you were probably the kid growing up that would take your ball and run home if things weren't going your way lolol.........the above goes for you to dakota, I don't even fish the sr till the leaves fall off lololol cause your to good to fish with us laymen lol. For the record I have been going to the salmon river for 16 years str8, I use 8 pound mono and am gonna try 6 pound this year. If your looking for a quiet weekend with a peacefull atmosphere this is not the trip for you. Its crowded, all walks of life are there, and all different types of tackle are used, and it takes some physical activity. People are gonna cross your line. But if you go after the leaves fall you can fish with the dakota and all the other elites lolol
Old 09-18-2014, 08:52 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?

Pass the popcorn please.
Old 09-18-2014, 09:08 PM
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Default Re: Salmon River braid question?


Just another Salmon River troll who thinks he owns the river. Your another waste of life who makes guys like me wait until the circus leaves town to fish the river. Like I said, I fish the SR when I do to enjoy a true trophy fishery, not be aggravated by *******s like yourself. And yes if we ever meet up on the river and you interfere with my drift in a pool that I was at first, yes I will cut your line and we'll see who ends up floating down the river. I assure you it won't be me. It's *******s like you that have ruined that fishery because you don't have the intelligence or patience to fish it properly. The fact that you would even support a thread about using braid and snagging as was pointed out already says it all. Do the rest of us a favor and stay off the river or better yet go use your braid like the idiot you are so someone can absolutely kick your ass. You are the reason the DSR can charge and get $75 a day so people can get away from morons like you. You and many like you %#@" it up for the sports minded people who enjoy that fishery. I'm not about to travel 5 hours to a world class fishery to have some dirt bag like you ruin the experience. Go fish the town pool with the rest of your deliverance buddies. See how long you last fishing braid down there! You'll get your ass kicked like Dawn did last year!


Last edited by dakota560; 09-18-2014 at 09:36 PM..
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