Originally Posted by FASTEDDIE29
State park tomorrow everyone. Look for my red Eskimo shelter to the right of the beach. Going to drag this thing out there because I haven’t set it up in 4 years. Haha! I want to make sure it still functions properly. 
guys it is with a heavy heart that i have to inform that the ice took a beating today, i was out on my spot and got off the ice at 11:30 it was 53 degrees and the rot was about 1 to 2 inches depending where i stepped i had 8" of ice but the sun and warm temps rotted the top so you were dealing with about 6" of black ice. I was able to drill thru very easily and the ice showed some honeycomb condition. dows pulled their ramp because joe was able to punch thru with his spud in 4 hits the temps are going to drop tonight but the shores took a beating. i did not go to the state park today to see if the shores were good you might need a plank to get out.. there was one guy fishing on the right side when i went by the shore hills area at 6:45am when i went out the ice was good but by 10:00 am the ice was not shiny any more and the water was bouncing in the old holes pretty good when i walked pass them so i am not sure that having a bunch of people in a small area is safe. if you still want to try this we should meet on the right side of the park and check the ice first.