I am the owner/operator of the Party Boat Fishermen in Atlantic Highlands, NJ. My family started business in 1958, I personally have been running the business for 48 years now.
In regard to the Striped Bass management issue, I hear a lot of different things. One being that there could be a November closure. If this is true, that would have a devastating effect on not only my business but every Charter & Party boat in the State.
Mid-October into the first 2 weeks of December accounts for 33% of my business, what am I supposed to fish for, blackfish that are already in trouble? I have been bass fishing since 2000, we have always played by the rules including the ridiculous 28-31 inch fish this season!!
Why have no scientist or anyone doing research come out with any of us to see what actually goes on? This season in particular, striped bass are still being caught from Long Island to Sandy Hook down past Cape May. This does not include the fish that migrate beyond the 3-mile limit out to the mud hole and beyond.
I find it astounding that you would actually entertain the idea of putting hard working Americans out of business to justify saving something that has already been saved many times over from what I have seen all these years.
We have NO commercial fishery in NJ for Striped bass, why should we get punished when the fish swim off to the southern states and get decimated?
I know from the past the response will be, we will take it under advisement, and I will be screwed once again. Thank you for your time, Capt. Ron Santee