We will be Striped Bass fishing from this Saturday (19th) every day.
Sounds like there are several area's of bait and life the past few days. Please note the New Sailing time is 7:00AM Sharp!!
Fishing with Shads, Jigs, some top water if possible, bring a good snag in case we get into the Bunker and don't forget your Circle hooks if you fish with live bait! We have Bonus tags aboard for when we see some smaller fish. You can still get one online from NJ fish & wildlife if you need one.
Tomorrow will be our last Bottom fishing trip as I had a few calls to do that. Looking forward to a good fall run!
Sailing Everyday 7:00am-2-2:30pm. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Spinning Rod Rental set up $20.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron