Re: 2024 Fluke Regs
Question, Hammer on the initial thread you wrote JH wrote in the Fisherman the quota in 2024 would be cut as follows:
In terms of summer flounder, the 2023 management track assessment indicated that the fluke stock was not overfished but overfishing was occurring in 2022 which is expected to result in a reduction of the recreational harvest limit (RHL) by nearly 40% – from 10.62 million pounds to 6.35 million pounds – for the 2024 season. As a side note, I love how they spin doctor this by saying "the fishery is not overfished but overfishing is occurring requiring a 40% landings reduction". Only the government could make a contradictory statement like that and get away with it.
Back to my question, in 2017 actual RHL was reported at 10.06 million pounds and New Jersey's daily possession limit was 3 fish @ 18". Season was 5/25 through 9/5 or 103 days.
If the management track assessment is reducing RHL by almost 4 million lbs. in 2024 versus 2017 to 6.35 million lbs., how would NMFS allows the same daily possession and minimum size limit as 2017, 3 fish at 18", and increase days and fishing effort to 141 days or 38 more days in the 2024 season under Option 30? Makes no sense. Lets leave the bag limit and size minimums the same but increase the season length by 37% to reduce landings by 4 million lbs. That's the thought process of the people tasked with making decisions about the health and well being of these fisheries.
Also it resolves issues many have with the slot by doing away with it, other than for party boats and shore based anglers who benefit from a slot. But it continues the practice of killing almost exclusively all female breeders which is at the heart of the problem with the fishery. I agree a paper thin slot serves no purpose but Option 30 will continues the regulations which contrubuted to this mess in the first place. Remember short term decisions cause long-term problems and this is not a long-term solution to the health of this fishery. It might be the best option for 2024 and 2025 on the table but it misses the mark of managing the stock once again by a mile. EVERY AGE CLASS IN THE FISHERY HAS DECLINED IN THE GENDER PROPORTION OF FEMALES TO MALES DUE TO THE ONGOING TARGET OF HARVESTING LARGER FISH WHICH ARE PREDOMINANTLY (OVER 90%) FEMALES. Until that changes, how does recruitment ever rebound to sustain and grow the stock?
Last edited by Broad Bill; 01-11-2024 at 10:22 PM..