Howdy Gang, Today's fishing trip was quite an adventure! We set sail this morning with a decent-sized group, but the visibility was really poor due to the thick fog. Despite the weather, we were able to locate some life at our first stop. Unfortunately, the fish didn't seem interested in biting the Shad's or jigs we were using, so we had to switch to search mode. We did manage to find a few more fish in another area, but they were just as uninterested as the ones in the first spot. We spent most of the day moving around trying to find good life, but the action was pretty dull. We were all hoping for an afternoon bite, but it just didn't happen for us. We worked hard, though, and everyone at the rail gave it their best shot. Despite the lack of catching, Derrick managed to win the pool with a 27lb bass! We're taking tomorrow off to do some maintenance, but we'll be back at it again on Wednesday morning. The weather looks great for the rest of the week, so hopefully, we'll have better luck then. Thanks for checking in! Capt Jack
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514
Last edited by Prowler 5; 04-17-2023 at 06:07 PM..