Friday night Gambler tank busting.
We had a good trip Friday night. Not bad going out but it got bumpy when we got there. Did one drift for a few Mahi then we anchored. Had fish on within a few minutes. The fish ate everything but jigs. We ended up with around 45 Yellowfin in 60-80lb class with the pool fish at 88lbs. These fish are tanks with us going through a couple of leader spools. They were Not line shy and we had three fish that we couldn't stop. 80 lb leaders is what I would suggest for these gaff breakers. The ride in was bumpy but got better the last 30 miles.
Capt.Mike put us on the meat and Capt.Walt, Jay, Kaden, Chris, and Leanne made the decks run red! I forgot that we had one longfin.
Last edited by Ol Pedro; 10-09-2022 at 11:15 AM..