Originally Posted by NoLimit
Look at this - people ganging up about the new regs. Do you all have super vision and can tell 17” from 18”? Are you clairvoyant and can tell from the pic how many people caught them? ? Do you realize the person taking the pics was also fishing? I’m not sure what you the mission is with this post but to keep people from doing reports and helping us all out
I'm not ganging up on anyone it's just common sence that some people lack especially the sponsored boat captains on this site. They all know the rules and what the regulations are and yes I get it for advertising purposes they post the pictures of certain customers having a banner day but in my opinion it's stupid for them to take a picture of their fillet table with 1 customer and 8 fish that they are proudly standing in the pict for when they are ovesouly over their legal limit for the day smdh everytime I see this and even with the post it states this person had a great day well my question is what gives them the right to keep over their legal limit for the day and why do the captains allow them to post this?