Ling Lunch
Grandson Chris and I went down to the Gambler for some night Linging. There were only around 18 fares aboard. Capt. Mike headed East into bumpy seas. We set up, sounded the horn, and had fish on right away. The Ling and Seabass had Sand Eels in their mouths. Some were still alive! We caught on every wiggle. Conditions improved as the night progressed. The Squid showed up in numbers late but guess who remembered the jig but forgot the rod. I tried jigging for Bluefish with no love. Chris used Clam bellies for 7 Ling, some short Seabass, and some Conger Eels/Ocean Pout. Fishing was better than it has been. Saturday night looks good. Hope we have enough to go.
Last edited by Ol Pedro; 07-08-2022 at 12:58 PM..