6/3 & 6/4 Reports….
Had 2 short fishing windows to squeeze in solo.
Got out Fri to a surprisingly nasty bay by 4. Decent breeze from the ESE and some decent rollers once past the lee of the Hook. Not what I was expecting condition wise. Got started just as tide died out at 5 so conditions were less than great. Decided to pull lures down the Reach to the Triangle and back East. Mojos and Stretches went untouched and had a hard time keeping the brown grass from fouling the lures. Switched to X-Raps in shallow heading back East and managed 2 rats before calling it at sundown.
Back at it Sat by 6:30 planning on close Fluking. Bounced around some bunker pods throwing shads but no takers. Started bouncing the bucktail and got a slow bite going. Again brown grass was a nuisance. Dead sticked a rod with bait and it went untouched. Managed a few 16-19” flatties but bite was slow. Called it by 9:30 with other commitments on land.
Water brown in close, cleaned up heading East. Surface temps 67-69. Marked tons of bait everywhere.
EST. 1995