Over many years now, Raritan Bay has been producing lots of striped bass. Many of those stripers were and are females. Some consideration is being given to the fact that these fish might be spawning fish that move up the Raritan River or Shrewsbury and Navesink. Other speculation is that they are staging for a late move up the Hudson to lay their eggs.
If the Raritan Bay area is studied and if it is found to be a spawning area for a large number of bass, will there be regulations like those in effect in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland.? Check out the Maryland maps in the link below and see what could happen here. It's worth thinking about. Just like the numbers of bass that were caught during the fall run and now, during the Spring, there seems to be quite a recovery of the stock. it has yet to be proven that the striper stock is fully recovered. or that the Raritan Basin is adding to the recovery. The current numbers can take a dive at any time, however. The current size and bag limits seem to be adequate but if it is found that NJ is a contributor to big numbers of " young of the year" tough regulations may follow.