Originally Posted by TwoDDs
Can you shed any light on your conversation with Mr. Golden? Curious, if the Commissioner can arbitrarily over-rule the Council and if so, is there any precedence for that within NJF&W? I would think that internally, they're struggling with the concept that the Council went against their own Committee's recommendations, including the Bureau of Law Enforcement and and that they had to forego the typical and customary public commenting process, due to timing constraints.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Well obviously you did your research because you touched on many items covered during out discussion.
The commisioner must sign recommendation of council into law
During conversation there was a neutral tone and carefully worded responses to my points and questions.
There was an agreement between us that this will be very difficult for enforcement due to complication and previse measurement requirements.
Everything you mentioned was discussed as well as additional items as far as their stance they as a agency are not taking a position is what the general tone of conversation was. They just provide comment prior to council vote. Hope that answers what you were asking.