FISHERMEN/Fridays Fishing Report.
Please take a note for next season....The Real "SEA BASS OPENER" is in May when the fish are Big and abundant.
NOT in October when there are thousands of Pins and the Big Bass (with the exception of a Few) that have stayed behind can be caught!
Our first drop was the best this morning with plenty of action, those who could wait for the better bite were rewarded with a Nice Fish. When the current died, so did the bite so we took a ride offshore to fish some deeper water. Made two drops and got the hell out of there.
Ran back for the change were we at least had action only to find a strong outgoing current and just a half ass pick.
High hook had 7 keeper Sea bass and it was down hill from there. Should have stayed Porgy fishing but the customers had high hope's and we did not want to disappoint. Guess that went out the window today, especially when I see customer quit and put down the rods! Read plenty of life on the last couple of drops but the current was just too much to make it happen.
Looking forward to the next few days off!!! Back at it on Tuesday....I'm sure all the East wind the next few days isn't going to help us.
Praying for those North Westerlies and colder temps to come early this year and get the Bass moving!
I'd like to punch the guy in the face who ever started this Sea Bass opener shit in the Fall.....