New to the message board! - Questions about stripers in the Delaware.
Hey everyone I’ve been viewing this message board for a few months now and decided to finally make a username and post! I’ve been trout fishing since a kid and bought an aluminum boat with a 9.9 last season and haven’t looked back. I fish a lot in Merrill Creek, Oxford Furnace the Delaware and other surrounding areas. (Just a little about me don’t want to go on too much lol)
With that being said I would like to expand and learn more about the River because I don’t seem to have any luck when I head out there. I want to catch some stripers! I’m hearing that they are in the Delaware River around now and chasing the shad up. I heard cut baits like blue gill, bunker, trout amongst other things like clams and squid are go-to’s. Can anyone chime in and give some advice ? Plan to get out on the water this upcoming weekend. (Just left Merrill creek about an hr ago and struck out lol.)
Thanks for any advice that anyone can bring I grately appreciate it.