Electronics upgrade
Opening the wallet this off-season to install new electronics. I'm going with the Simrad NSS9 Evo3 system. I'm just not so sure about the transducer. I generally fish in shore out to the mudhole monster and glory on a good day, that being said I love wreck fishing so need a ducer that can lock on bottom. I know those depths aren't that deep from an electronics perspective, but I want something or things that will do me right from like 10ft out to 250ft. Any thoughts? Or experiences with different duces? I'm running a 23 ft Gulfstream. I was looking at the airmar tm175 or tm 275 for example, definitely want the chirp versions. Any help making a decision? Thanks Tony
The two best days to fish are yesterday and tomorrow. "You shoulda been here yesterday" and "Tomorrow looks good!"