A couple good tog trips this week.
Sven of the Hook and myself headed out on 2 afternoon trips. Aka Gentlemen Fishing. Wednesday and Saturday.
Wednesday was lights out fishing for me with 15 keepers to 10# Sven was very quiet most of the time and them got in on the action late.
Saturday was a good bite from beginning to end if you could figure out when to swing. Very picky shoe string bite. Peck peck nothing, slightly move your bait peck peck nothing, repeat. When your rod tip wiggled you swung. Tough to read that bite for sure in a rougher sea. But we were granted calm seas by the fish gods both days. Sven was in the action early. He had bites where I had none. I decided to mug him with just my rod tip. I dropped down on his side of the boat and then moved to my corner. Plenty of picky bites and fish. I figure we ended with 25 keepers or more and equal short life.
I dropped and had a fish pick pick wiggle and swung!!! She bulled me to the bottom twice pealing drag on each run. I couldn’t even turn the handle Randall. She was thumping away, so I just held on and hope the rod did it’s job. It sure did and I was graced with a 26 1/2 “ female bruiser. Measured her and gently released her. My guess 15# by looking at her. Doesn’t really matter just a great fish and experience followed by a good release with a strong swim away.
My photographer was a total hack job so I’ll just pass on posting pics.
Two great days of togging for this FF hoping you all had the same