We need GWs!!!
2011, 133,357 F license sold. 87,164 Tstamps
2019, 115,473 Licenses sold. 84,723 Tstamps 17,884 All around spots
$2.59 mill in license, $889,590 T stamps alone, $1.29 mill All Around
$3,479, plus million in those 3 resident licenses alone!!!
Avg Game warden pay $88,500 x 21 county's... $1,858,mill
I'm curious as to why license sales dropped 15,ooo almost 10 years!! I noticed fisherman numbers skyrocket! Trout stamps down 3,000 so it's not just the hatchery outbreak. I'd bet people simply don't buy a license because no one to enforce laws. Also, any ideas on how much the hatcherys cost to run? I think there some room in budget for a few more wardens!!