Had the day off Thursday, and the rain Wednesday evening left everything running high and stained... NICE

It's about time!
Thursday had some serious wind. most cast came back covered with drifting dead river-plants, or some autumn leaves.
Started off with a largemouth, of all things. Then picked up a walleye later in and then a smallmouth.
I got absolutely demolished by something way out in the middle of the river;
could feel very strong headshakes and it was a heavy fish. Fish dropped it but still gave me a fight for three seconds.
Hook never got into it tho, damn swimbait folded over the jig's hook point!

oof!!! I should set that hook harder.
Probably one of those ol' raritan river salmon

ppsst who wants one of those anyways!
Pics below featuring that folding ruler I bought. Pretty handy and I like it.