That time is upon us my friends and only place where you can find us is at Salmon River.
Instead of reading reports I decided to make a report. And so we go.
Friday 13th - Got to the river at 2am and went to investigate the fish movement. While hearing some movement here and there it was decided to start staircase. Got there at 530am to find all the sweet spots already taken and water lever way to low for my liking. Neverless stuck it out till 12pm with zero hook ups. Only saw 5 other ppl hook up and out of them only 1 fish was landed. After an hour break went out to the zoo at town hall. More fish movement was there with lots of ppl hooking up. Went 1 for 1 and my buddy went 0 for 6.
Saturday 14th - Started at town hole and was extremely disappointed. Went 0 for 10 with my buddy going 0 for 20. Could not hold fish with 12 and 15 pound leaders at all. Too fresh and way too strong. Getting tired of loosing fish decided to move up past trestle pool. Within an hour my buddy hooked into one and that's the only fish we seen there in afternoon. Got back to town hole at 5:30pm and by 7:30 both me and my buddy limited out. Big push of salmon went through and it was just constant hook ups. No more leader breaking since switching to 20lbs. I know its way up there, but had to do what we had to do. Spend night cleaning and vacuum sealing the fish. I know not for everyone taste but hey meat was red and not white or black which we will see soon enough.
Sunday 15th - Back at town hole at 5:30am and limited out by 11am with my friend. Fish below took an hour to bring in with 3 other ppl to both sides of me fighting fish as well.
Overall if you want fresher salmon time to go is now. Great weather, great time.