KDC catfish winner
i fished the KDC catfish contest last nite with lou marcucci and we did well. we got out on the water about 8:00pm we fished in 12 fow with different kinds of bait.. the fish wanted the dead herring and nightcrawlers.. we caught 20 bullheads, 1 channel and four white catfish. we got most of the fish around 10:30 till midnight. the bullheads were 6" to about 14" we did not weigh them as they were on the small side. the channel he got was 5lbs2oz and the white cat that i got was 6lbs1oz we took the number one and two spots. i had another fish that was big that i only fought for a short time before it broke me off, this thing was full of piss and vinegar and did not play nice he did not care that there was a contest and wanted no part of that. the water was 78.5 deg and was rather calm most of the nite. we fished til midnite and then i went out with another member till 4am we got a couple more small fish and we called it the nite there was 49 entry's it was a nice night to be out on the cong. sorry the photo is side ways