Made the attempt this past Saturday. You know the deal, go catch bait, tie up some rigs, make sure the bait runners are up to par. The part about fishing these Flatheads this time of year is having the option to swim on a 108 degree day.
Headed west after Chase’s baseball game! Yep it was hot! Yep there was an extreme heat advisory, I hate the heat! When you gotta go you gotta go! So I went. Had a hard time making bait with the high water at my spot. But it finally came together thank god. Set up shop at Camp Catfish and couldn’t get much going til the swimming and wave runner traffic subsided. There were people everywhere trying to stay cool. It is what it is. At least the river doesn’t have the HAB! LOL! Slow pick on the Flatheads but managed 3 to 7lbs! The small ones were pretty aggressive and did not get released this time. Good eating size so I kept 2. Fun times as I had quite the show with a few Brazilian girls dancing together in bikinis at my spot. I’ll keep those pics to myself suckas! Fun night on the river! TIGHT LINEZ!!!