Fly fishing the beaches?
Hello everyone, I reside in Tampa, FL and I am visiting the Newark area and was wondering if it were even possible to fly fish the beaches for some saltwater species. I travel to Newark several times a year. My initial research leads me to think I can target blues and stripers but I'm not really sure whats running right now. I have packed the 12wt, 10wt and I have some decent sized Deep Clouser's and a few poppers. Pretty sure i can launch the Clousers farther though. I've been fishing the trout rivers but would really like to put a bend on the larger gear. Any help in my quest would be greatly appreciated.
PS. If anyone needs info on fishing the flats on the Gulf of Mexico side, I'd be happy to help out. Even guide if you'll be near the Tampa area.
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Pi-Stix; 06-04-2019 at 10:04 AM..
Reason: spelling