Opening day thoughts
I don’t do a lot of freshwater fishing but always fish the trout season while I wait for the inshore waters to warm up. How do you think the projected 1/2 inch of rainfall will affect the fishing on opening day tomorrow.. The rain is supposed to be later this afternoon and go right through tomorrow. Will the run off make the water murky that quick? Will the streams and river be running fast with lots of debri from the recent wind storms? Will it be better to fish lakes and ponds due to conditions?
My plan is pretty much going to be the same but I’m curious what to expect. I’m starting up north at the south branch maybe near Clinton area and will work my toward Flemington. After that I plan to stop at spring lake near my home for a shot at catching one of the larger guys they put in there once the kids tournament is over.
Thanks for any responses and info and good luck be safe