well it is a wrap.. the ice took a hell of a beating today we had 6" of ice and the top 2" was rotting fast and there was honeycomb ice were there was black holes or old holes and the shoreline was soft when we got off at 6:00pm. with the rain and warm temps i doubt there will be any safe ice left by the weekend. it was a good season with good catches including my first tiger musky caught in lake musconetcong that was 16" on a jig. the ice was not thick enough in the center of the cong to fish it so i did not get a walleye this season

but i did end up with 38 days on the hardwater not bad. so now it is time to get the jiggs and bobbers ready for the crappies and perch when the ice is all gone. i hope everybody that got out there had fun.some last trip fish porn. yum panko fried fish for dinner.