Experimented today with a jig modification: heavy monofilament as a weed guard
Good news; I kept the same jig on all day, didn't lose it in any underwater roots, stones, or branches and could virtually toss it anywhere.
Bad news; witnessed a few trout not hook up, and felt a lot of "nibbles" and hits that didn't result in hook ups.
At the last hole (always save the best for last) was creek chub gardens. I hook into one chub but very shortly a sharp jerk happens and im off. I then figure out a big brown is sitting on the bottom of the hole, T-boning the creek chub. It holds it in its mouth for quite a long time. I change to a larger jig (no weed guard), and before I cast I dont see the silvery chub anymore, nor the trout. Immediately after dropping the jig in, the brown comes out of nowhere and slams it. Unfortunately it comes off shortly.
The trout and chubs I landed today were hooked right in the lip, the last bit of cartilage possible. With that, and with many missed hookups, probably a sign to make the guard looser.
Any advice with weed guards welcomed