Hooks Creek Issue/Stocking Protocol question
Hey all. So I don't think any of the regulars here fish Hook's Creek (Cheesequake State Park) but maybe you can still help. If you don't know, Hooks Creek lake receives spring and fall stocking. After this Fall Stocking I put in a decent dozen hours spread over a few pretty optimal weather days over the course of a week and a half with not a sniff, bump or anything. This isn't a complaint post because of lack of catching so please read on. My second trip there, an older gentleman caught me on my way out and asked if I had caught anything. I told him I hadn't and that it was weird. He explained to me that no one was having any luck and that he had seen a handful of dead fish so he doubted anyone would be catching. I was a bit concerned, but half chalked it up to an "old regular" seeing a young guy in a smaller pond with waders and just protecting his turf not knowing I am a regular. My next trip on Thursday was beautiful I fished 4 hours in the beautiful weather and yeah I know the temp swings aren't great, but just didn't seem right not. I can't explain it. Not even the accidental dink bass in my normal spots. On the way out, I see the same gentleman. He asks me again if I had any luck and I said no realizing that he didn't recognize or remember me. He then stated yeah no one is catching and that he has found over a dozen dead trout along the backside of the lake. I decided to investigate and walk the whole perimeter of the lake and didn't find anything so I couldn't validate what he said, but has anyone heard anything similar by chance. For those who don't know, after Sandy the lake was overcome with salt water ruining the salinity. With the tremendous amounts of rain and wind maybe there could be a similar problem. Do they do any type of testing or inspections before stocking? Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.