spinner line ?
Loaded line on a spin reel according to directions read & seen---line coming off spool going on reel in the same direction; i.e. line off counter clock-wise goes on counter-wise. it still went on with twists. Question: What would you advise--pay out line with bail closed & lite drag or open bail with rag or glove to control line exiting reel, then closing bail as boat steams? Light drag-wouldn't that screw up the drag washers? We're talking about 450' 30# mono---braid backing is twisted but I'm not so concerned with those twists or am I wrong with that thought? About 450' 30# braid also...and this is for tuna...hehehe...
First Mate "IRISH ROVER" fishing team(retired)
First Mate "ROSE LEE" fishing team(retired)
Dennis B. missed & always remembered
John M. missed and always remembered
I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead (Jimmy Buffett)