Lake Gaston Virginia report
I was Tuna fishing at the Chicken Canyon last Sunday and 20 hours later I was fishing at Lake Gaston. I went down to visit relatives that lived right on the lake but they don't fish and I knew nothing about it, only read that it had good catfishing. I strarted prospecting with my ultralight and a small jig to find areas that had held fish, this lake is 20,000 acres and has 350 miles of shoreline so I was just trying to get an idea where to go. I was there for 4 days and only fished evenings and at night. I caught Bluegills, Yellow and White perch, Redbreast sunfish, LM Bass, Pickerel, and some type of sunfish that looked like a Pumpkinseed but they were green like a crappie and around 11 inches. Maybe a Warmouth? I had no luck on the catfish at night but I caught a few Bass on a Jitterbug while I was soaking bait and had a short lived battle with a Long nose Gar. It was a pretty good place to visit and there was very little pressure during the week not many boats out there at all. I would like to go back and get some of those big Blue cats in there someday. Wondering if anyone on here has been there?