Friday the 13th BFT
Left the Navesink river at 0330 and headed out for the bluefin. Lines in around 0615 and started the search. Had tons of life in the area with whales, dolphin, and sandeels but no fish. Went into more of a search mode and trolled away from that area. Found another spot with the same life and marked a few fish. Pounded that area to death and still nothing. Continued the search when at 1pm we were still empty handed. Set the auto pilot for home on the troll when at 130pm, we hit the second spot we came across with fish on topwater feeding. got 2 fish around 40 and 50lbs in the next half hour or so and headed home. Heres a perfect reminder to never leave fish to find fish. Probably could have had another few fish if we stayed in that area from the beginning. Definitely could have caught more if we stayed once we found them but had to go home.