Nighttime smallies 7/11 and updates from the last several weeks
I haven't posted a report in a while but have been doing a LOT of fishing...
Got out last night around midnight throwing big stuff in the pitch black. Nailed 2 nice acrobatic smallies on the river. One 18 and one a hair shy of 19". They fought like their asses were on fire. Awesome fight...
Haven't gotten any substantial walleye in about a month. Few keepers here and there but nothing really picture worthy since the I landed my PB--29"! Pic below. If it looks like I'm shitting my pants, its bc I shat my pants once I saw the head lol... was great seeing her swim off.
Did a lot of bank beating for hybrids too while the getting was good. Had a few tanks landed but altogether it was a very hit or miss nightbite for me. No epic nights like last season. Couple mongo brids below.
Other than that I've been back bay fluking from the banks. The bite was hot and heavy for a few weeks. Once the heat wave hit and the cow nose rays moved it the bite has all but died. Had one smoke a ballistic 2500. Sounds like a pepper mill now haha! No huge fish but a bunch of keepers and tons of shorts. Good action though.
Next stop: northeast canyons!
Catch em up fellas...
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."