Top Water Smallies NBRR
Got my lazy ass out of bed this morning and hit the NB at around 5:30 to see if I could get a top water bite for bit...and yup they were there. Got a little guy right off the bat then followed it up with three more over the next hour. Two of them being nice fatties around 18 inches. Once that sun got up a little bit it was all over. All on a Rebel Pop R 3.5 inch version in Baby Bass color. Got a couple more dinks after that on a 4 inch green pumpkin Yum Dinger and was done by 7:30. Nice little morning. Love that top water stuff. Get out early boys...or late if you're into that night thing. Pics to prove it. Sorry for the blurry pic of the second fish...I suck at holding them out and keeping the camera still.
Aint no sense in bein' stupid......unless ya show it!