Skunked? When to find a new charter...?
Hi Guys,
Hoping we can keep this thread clean without the mentioning of any names/boats... unless of course it's positive things to say
How many times do you go out with the same charter, before saying, I NEED TO FIND A NEW CHARTER..
We have all been out there and gotten skunked before.. it's not anything new.
I never hold it personally against a Captain or a Boat, especially if they're doing everything in their power, to put you on the fish... but at what point do you say, these guys either don't know what they're doing?.. or maybe something else for that matter?
I have gone out with several guys on here.. had some incredible trips.. and some not so incredible trips..
I got skunked last summer with a sponsor on this forum, but he was a complete class act and reached out to me to come along on open boats at no charge to make up for it.
I use to go out with Denis (Roulette) all the time... I swear.. Denis ALWAYS found the fish. I must've been out with him 12-15 times over the course of 3-4 years... We were never skunked a single time... I recall just one time that we ended up with one small tuna and a couple of mahi.. but never completely skunked..
There is a particular boat I've gone out with 3 times.... beautiful boat... but skunked every time now... even recommended the boat to friends because it's a nice vessel.. now my friends gone out twice with them.. skunked both times for him too... 5 times between 2 people.. I hate to say it.. but I don't believe it's bad luck at this point
So - how many times out with the same boat before you rule them out for good?