NJMFC meeting recap
Tog and Scup regs covered at tonight’s meeting
No change in size
April bag limit 4@15” closed until aug 1st
Aug 1 thru opening day of fall season 1 fish @15” lost July
Fall Season same as last year except bag limit reduced to 5 fish @ 15”
Open season 365 days bag limit 50 @ 9”
Personally I was very happy to see moment as well as the thoughts going forward regarding fluke and sea bass. It seems they are very conscious with regards to closing the gap between fluke and tog with possible sea bass depending on what we given from the fed. My understanding is the fed will no longer be closing federal waters to sea bass ( I could be wrong again my understanding ) so that could give or state council some additional liberties in mapping out our bag limit and season.
Stay tuned their is a closed advisory council meeting next Thursday and a public comment meeting April 5th on sea bass and fluke.