Tough Morning at KLG 12-12-17
Got and unexpected day off today so I went to the Gorge this morning for some winter trouting and boy I got a work out. Pulled in and immediately realized I forgot my tackle box in my garage (yes I'm an idiot) but luckily I had my pole and a pack of trout magnets. On my way to the water I found someone's dropped strike indicator which was really lucky.
I walked the entire length of the gorge and fished every spot I could. I saw lots of fish and saw plenty of swipes at my trout magnet, but just couldn't connect with a fish. I wish I hadn't forgotten my tacklebox, I had a new plug I was excited to try, but that's fishing! Climbing down steep snow covered banks, walking between spots and scouting for new ones really left me beat.
I'll be back for redemption! One hole I found had 3 solid rainbows and 2 massive browns swimming around in it, and I'm looking to land a brown soon.
Tight Lines all!