Finally a decent day
Schedule's been very busy this year, having a two-year old will do that though. I've been able to sneak some fishing in here and there, but nothing really report-worthy until yesterday. The last time I hit this spot, I was in search of yellow perch and pike. After awhile without any signs of life, I switched the gameplan up and started throwing ribbon tail worms at the banks and put together a catch of 3 largemouth between 1-2 lbs. So yesterday I started early attacking the banks, and guess what? No bass. They just weren't there anymore. So, once again, I changed the gameplan up and switched to deeper water...
Put together a nice bag of:
2 sunnies
2 crappies
2 white perch (bigger one was 11")
1 yellow perch
1 largemouth
and a 22" pike at the end of the day!
All fish, even the largemouth, were caught in the deeper channels.