WATER PROOF MEAT RUN **Tuna, Tiles, Sea Bass and Sharks
Had Lou Ottrando and friends out for a combo overnight trip with a goal of having some variety and filling the coolers ... started off Tuna fishing and had a good bite 20 minutes into fishing. The guys made quick work of a nice 100lb class Bluefin. With a Tuna in the box, we switched up to Tilefish and despite a fast drift and tough conditions, we boxed up 15 Golden Tiles and a Hake pretty quickly. With sunset coming, we went back on troll and found two more nice Bluefin in the 100-120 lb class. Overnight , we got set up for sharks and had good Blue Shark action and a nice Mako that decided he wanted to jump 15 feet in the air and gain its freedom after spitting hook. In the morning, we hit some wrecks and finished off with 45 keeper Sea Bass plus some Ling for 5 guys .. overall action packed trip and full coolers .. offshore weather has us tied to dock next few days

Water Proof
Captain Mark DeBlasio
Sailing out of Canyon River Club
Point Pleasant Beach NJ
(201) 988-5475
Last edited by Water Proof; 06-16-2017 at 11:01 AM..