Dams on the Raritan
I understand that the state wants to clear them out.
I also understand that the state has done a great job taking them down so far and wants to continue.
But what is the deal with the Duke island park dam?
This seems to be one of the bigger ones, I understand that it doesn't just take a days job to take it down properly. But this dam has been on the waiting list for a while now.
Today I've seen dozens of shad roaming around the Duke island dam, in schools of 4 to 8. I'd think opening this dam up would be a blessing to the shad fishery. (Not sure about the trout that love that oxygenated water!)
Let's say Duke island's is taken down. What other dams are there up stream that need to be dealt with? It would be neat if they focus on trying to get one headwater connected to the ocean damless.
If anyone has information on dam removal process, post it, I'd like to read up on that.