Rainbows came before the rain this time
As today was a projected wash out I decided to christen my little river rat (mini bass boat) on the Raritan yesterday. Somehow my homemade harbor freight trailer survived the mud pit that is the launch area at the confluence (would be great if they could dump some gravel there to fix it but I'm not sure if it's actually a 'sanctioned ramp') and I headed up the NB first. Didn't have to go far as the first lay down over a pool was full of fish. Spent two hours there pulling in bow after bow on an assortment of gold spinners. The water was crystal clear and it was great watching 2, 3, and sometimes 4 stockies chase the lure to the boat. Wanted some smallie action to test a new rod so I worked my way back to the confluence (picking off more trout on the way) and headed down the main stem. Found a rock ledge and started throwing a keitech but once again it was the bows chasing it back to the boat so I went back to the gold spinner and started hammering them once again. Worked the ledge back up to the confluence and headed up the SB to see how far my foot deep trolling motor would make it before the water got too thin. Ran out of water at Studdiford Bridge so I turned around and headed back. Threw to a pile of trees in deep water on the way back and it produced a chubby little smallie that looked like it was ready to pop. Met up with a few kayakers at the confluence and with one following me back to the ledge started throwing the gold again. First three casts, two stockies. After several more fish, with the sun sinking low on the horizon, I decided to head home ending a great day on a great river. All in all I probably caught over twenty trout and lost even more after 8 hours of pure fun, I f#@king love that river!!!!