Stopped by Merrill C yesterday for a few casts figuring the weather would keep most people away. Well I was right about that. Two hrs there and I didn't see another human. The weather was lousy to be sure but figured I could wrangle some fish out. Water was chilly but felt warmer later on as I got colder. Tossed a small grub amongst the timber and managed a few of the usual suspects: lmb, rock bass, redbreast sunfish, bluegill and pickerel. Surprise(s) of the day were 2 freshly stocked bows. I've fished MCR going back to when it was filled and its the first trout I've caught there. Funny to catch trout in standing timber. Anyhow miserable day but at least I got something besides a runny nose.
BTW the water level there is really getting bad. Are they ever going to fill it up again??? Its down almost 20 feet along the steeper banks. There are now small trees growing where the water should be.I'm pretty sure that not only can they pump water out, they can pump it back in. Not sure why they are not as its been several years now of low water.