Upper Delaware river float trip 4/3/17:
Checked the weather, checked the releases from the reservoirs, checked availability with the guide, so it was off I went.
Checked into Smith's Colonial motel the night before. Breakfast at Circle E diner in Hancock NY before the float trip. Met the guide at 8:30, on the water in Deposit on the West branch of the Delaware river by 9am.
Fish came in flurries, 2 here, 3 there. Think total was a dozen in the net by the time we took out at 4pm at Balls Eddy. Rolled 1 and had quite a few follows. Nothing in the fast water with 37* water temps, even the flat water was a bust. Most fish caught in deep holes and deep seams. Mostly Brown Trout to 18" and made quota with a fat 20" Rainbow Trout. Had a good time, it was very quiet up there, almost eerie, in another month it will be a zoo and bumper boats. Slated to go back in 2 weeks weather permitting. REALLY nice to see water up there again.
Last edited by AndyS; 04-04-2017 at 06:10 PM..