Skunked at MC
Made the wrong decision to troll for lakers instead of continuing to hammer slabs at the cong Sunday... Fought wind for most of the afternoon yesterday and didn't catch a single fish. Ran 2 and 3 colors of lead and varied the downriggers but nothing worked. Had one board go off momentarily but by the time we grabbed it there was nothing there.
Heads up to anybody going there right now, the docks are not setup and it's a pain in the ass to load and unload your boat. Definitely consider at least bringing a buddy with you to load/unload the boats. I would love to know when they're going to have the docks setup again in working order. Anybody know? Right now they're just tied off around on the sides against the rocks.
2003 Lund 2025 Pro V
Dirty Hooker IV
Hookin ain't easy!