Late entry- funny green trout
Hey strangers-I'm done snowboarding and had the itch pretty bad.Walked the river the other day(one of my usual haunts, not stocked, state has it as a wild trout stream so I'm good)
Throwing spinners and little jigs with a buddy- had a few swings and misses in some spots where I've caught some real pretty brown trout, but no takers, move up past the real scenic water, slightly slack, and next to a little feeder/culvert , we pull out 5 little larry's. Waters like 40-42 degrees, bless there brave little hearts. Further up I pulled out a foot long slime dart. Didn't see any trout further up and called it a day. Hope everyone's getting their first fish of the year if they didn't ice fish.
Last edited by 23cardinal; 03-23-2017 at 01:06 AM..