Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?
My son Chartered a Sponsor Boat out of PP for a group of my friends to celebrate my birthday. To say that I was appalled by what transpired is putting it mildly. I have chartered many of fishing trips from NJ to Florida and have never seen such a lack of customer service in all my 58 years. For starters we told him that out of the 13 guys only 5 of us had any experience black fishing the rest were complete novices. That being said I would have expected the mate to help these guys out as best as possible but that was not the case. We were left to have my son tie rigs for those who broke off with my rigs, unhook our fish, measure our fish, never helped these guys to get snags out and the final straw was after he filleted our fish he handed us bags and said here you go split them up. So you may ask what did he do all day He and the Capt FISHED for themselves all day. We boated 26 fish they had 14 of which they gave us 2 and kept the rest for themselves. In all my years I have never experienced anything like this. To add insult to injury we had bought a bushel of white leggers from the capt. They were the size of keeper blue claws only to find out later that the capt had smaller ones for his use and only offered them to us after we went threw our bushel for I think it was $15 a doz. At the end of the day I let the mate and capt know I was extremely unhappy and their answer was basically Kiss my A**
Knot A Frade
Joao Fishing Team
Fish Posion Fishing Team