Laker jigging
Anyone wanna hit up Merrill creek or round valley to try jigging up some lakers in the near future? Definitely one of my favorite bites in nj that is little known but sure is a blast. Next year I'll be setting up a boat for it and my curent boat is set for bowfishingles not for any kind of rod and reel fishing. So anyone wanting to give it a try and has a boat set up for either lake I'll be willing to trade a ride for a bowfishing trip next spring plus willing to share some knowledge. Weekends only work for me but lakers should be plenty active in both lakes all of December and really right through the winter as we do quite well jigging them through the ice on roundy (when it does freeze) and the ny lakes. Reply or pm guys.
~~~~Bloody Decks Bowfishing~~~~
Saving your gamefish one carp at a time!
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