I live right near the beach here in Central Mon Cty and fortunate to be able to check out the surf every day all year long. Billfish is so right... you have to be in the right spot at the right time to catch some bass. Sometimes you get lucky and the bass come in to your spot and you're catching every cast, sometimes they won't take anything you're throwing... sometimes a blitz will last 10 minutes, other times an hour or so. And if you're really lucky, you're there all by yourself, because it doesn't take long for one guy to make the call on the phone and the trucks are flying in like flies and snag hooks are flying by your head inches away. And I've seen more then one guy getting snagged in their head, neck, arms, etc with so many guys casting out of control.
Surf fishing is a whole different animal than boat fishing but so rewarding when you have a nice catch.
A few days ago there were lot's of bass schools ravaging through the bait but just far enough out where no one could reach them casting... all part of the experience of Surf Fishing